About us– Node in European infrastructure for language-based e-scienceSwe-CLARIN is a section in the Swedish research infrastructure Språkbanken. Språkbanken creates opportunities to study digital text and speech materials using tools and methods at the intersection of language technology and AI.Swe-CLARIN is coordinated by Uppsala University, and is a node in CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure), building a European research infrastructure based on language technology. While contributing to European collaboration, Swe-CLARIN is also establishing a national infrastructure for language-based e-science and creating opportunities for comprehensive research approaches. The aim is to promote new research using digital tools, with activities primarily targeting researchers in the humanities and social sciences who work with speech- or text-based materials. A key task is to provide language technology tools and resources, such as text collections, corpora, lexicons, and audio recordings. Our resources are developed for both Swedish and the official minority languages. Swe-Clarin is organized as a consortium with eleven members. The members are national research environments, archives, and libraries, collectively representing academia and the societal memory institutions. They provide, among other things, expertise, the development and maintenance of language technology tools, and collections of digital materials. The members of the consortium are: