Språkbanken CLARIN        SweCLARIN        Uppsala universitet SVENSKA


– Språkbanken Sam, Institute for language and folklore

Språkbanken Sam is developing the means to annotate, process and explore text and speech data in the archives through language technology based tools. Språkbanken Sam is located at Isof, the Institute of Language and folklore in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Uppsala.

Focus on two kinds of language data

The data collected, processed and disseminated at Språkbanken Sam is primarily of two kinds:

  • Official texts and terminology for research in official communication and social conditions. The material is multilingual with parallell texts in Swedish and translations into easy‐to‐read/plain language, national minority languages, and minority languages.

  • Folk narratives, as well as other text and speech material from the dialect and folklore archives. The material consists of inventories, dialect word databases, letters, recordings, transcriptions, etc. It is interesting both in terms of content and linguistic quality, with a great geographical, social, and stylistic variation.

The TillTal project

In the TillTal project we examine how speech and language technology methods can make the historical speech recordings more accessible for research in cooperation with data holders, researchers and speech and language technologists. For instance, there are immense amounts of recorded interviews which currently have to be played in real time in order to be analysed. These materials conceal a wealth of information of great interest for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

The languages of Sweden (SWELANG)

Isof runs the CLARIN Knowledge for the Languages of Sweden (SWELANG). The knowledge centre is an information service offering advice on the use of digital language resources and tools for Swedish and other languages in Sweden, as well as other parts of the intangible cultural heritage of Sweden.

The work is led by the Language Council of Sweden in Stockholm, which cooperates with other departments at Isof in Uppsala and Göteborg.


Rickard Domeij, rickard.domeij@isof.se

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Swedish Research Council
Språkbanken Text, GU
Språkbanken Tal, KTH
Språkbanken Sam, Isof
Computational linguistics, UU
Department of Linguistics, SU
Humanities Lab, LU Humlab, UmU
National Library of Sweden
Swedish National Archive