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– Humanities Lab, Lund University

Lund University Humanities Lab is a department for research infrastructure, for interdisciplinary research and training. We provide access to sensor-based technologies, methodological know-how, data management, and archiving expertise. Our mission is to facilitate and help diversify research around issues of cognition, communication, and culture – traditional domains for the Humanities. That said, many projects are interdisciplinary and conducted in collaboration with the Social Sciences, Medicine, the Natural Sciences, Engineering, and e-Science. The Lab enables researchers to combine traditional and novel methods, and to interact with other disciplines.

Multiple certified centres

Since 2017, the Lab is a certified CLARIN Knowledge Centre, also named Lund University Humanities Lab, with a special focus on multimodal and sensor-based methods. As of 2020 we are also a C-centre, meaning that our datasets are integrated with CLARIN's Virtual Language Observatory.

We have a wide range of facilities for measurements and recordings: articulography, electrophysiology, EEG, eye-tracking, professional audio and video recording, motion capture and virtual reality. The Lab also offers support and consultancy on statistics, machine learning-related research on language data, and keystroke logging for the study of the writing process.

The Lab also hosts a corpus server, which offers secure, long-term storage of structured digital research data. This facility contains a wide range of data types including audio, video, text, images, and eye-movement data. Corpora are both from major world languages and lesser-described minority languages, including longitudinal child language studies, adult language acquisition data, dialect surveys, and corpora with linked eye-tracking data. The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a unique digital resource preserving multidisciplinary collections documenting the languages and cultures of communities from the Austroasiatic language family of Mainland Southeast Asia and India.


Johan Frid, johan.frid@humlab.lu.se

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Swedish Research Council
Språkbanken Text, GU
Språkbanken Tal, KTH
Språkbanken Sam, Isof
Computational linguistics, UU
Department of Linguistics, SU
Humanities Lab, LU Humlab, UmU
National Library of Sweden
Swedish National Archive